Control units with voice release - RANGEMASTER X2PRO SEQUENCER |
- fully featured state-of-the-art sequencer
- Instant release voice recognition (phono pull unit built in)
- large LCD display
4x40 for easy operation
- chip card reader / chip card payment
built in
- real random sequences for Trap FO/FU
- timer for
- 100% ISSF and FITASC compliancy
- counter
(resettable) for targets released
- adjustable, instant release
phono-pull unit
- activity lights on microphones supported
no-bird control per shooter in payment modes
- built in RS232
data interface
- no switching and cable pulling when changing
between Trap and Skeet (8+5 micros directly connectable)
- auto-continue of rounds aborted due to power loss
- no bird sensor/detector built in
- Olympic Trap round, finals, shoot offs, training mode
- Trap FU, Trap FA, Trap JFO-DE,Trap JFA-DE
- DT 2017 round, shoot off
- Skeet round, shoot offs, finals, training mode
- Skeet J-AT, SKEET J-DE
- Sporting manual
- Compak sporting 40 FITASC schemes + optional inline mode
- Nordic Trap
- Doublesport
- Compak free training
- Sроrt-Trap
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Tags: Sequencer, Skeet, Trap, Control unit, Radio, Transmitter, receiver, Laporte, Mattarelli, Nasta, Bowman, ISSF, FITASC, NSCA, Shooting, Clay Target, Olympic Games, rangemastersystems, professional shooting ground automation, issf, fitasc, schiessstand, wurfscheibenschießen, tiroavolo, sporting, Σκοποβολή, compak sporting, skeet shooting, trap, skeet, doubletrap, clay shooting, rangemaster systems team, rifle shooting, only the best, clay target, clay target shooting, sport shooting, ata, dtl, always ahead